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Carlos Slim Foundation presented the 2024 Health Awards

The Exceptional Institution Award went to the Instituto de Oftalmología Fundación Conde de Valenciana. The Lifetime Achievement Award in Research was awarded to Moisés Selman Lama. A Special Recognition to Francisco Moreno Sánchez. The 2024 Health Awards ceremony was held at the Soumaya Museum, which was presided over by engineer Carlos Slim Helú, Dr. Leonardo  Continúa leyendo »

Carlos Slim Foundation’s Migrant Program receives the Alfonso García Robles 2023 Award from UNAM

The Carlos Slim Foundation’s Migrant Program has been awarded the Alfonso García Robles 2023 Recognition, granted by UNAM for its outstanding actions in benefit of Mexicans and Spanish-speakers living in the United States. Carlos Slim Foundation has carried out continuous work with various actors in the area of migration, with the purpose of providing online  Continúa leyendo »

Carlos Slim Foundation and UNAM’s School of Medicine join forces to revolutionize telementoring in Mexico

In a joint effort to innovate in educational training and improve medical care, the UNAM School of Medicine, in collaboration with the Carlos Slim Foundation, presented the ECHO project. ECHO is a pioneering initiative in the field of telementoring, developed by the University of New Mexico and aims to transmit the knowledge of health experts  Continúa leyendo »

The King of Spain presented the ‘Enrique V. Iglesias Award’ to engineer Carlos Slim for his contribution to the growth of Ibero-America

On Wednesday, October 25, in Madrid, Spain, Carlos Slim Helú, chairman of Grupo Carso, received the “Enrique V. Iglesias Award for the development of the Ibero-American Business Space” from H.M. King Felipe VI. This award recognizes his contribution to the economic and social development of Ibero-America and the strengthening of ties between the countries that  Continúa leyendo »

Winners of the Carlos Slim 2023 Health Awards

The Carlos Slim Foundation announces the winners of the sixteenth edition of the Health Awards, which recognize work of great relevance to the Latin American region. The Lifetime Achievement Award for research was given to Dr. José Alejandro Madrigal Fernández, México The Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy, (Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria),  Continúa leyendo »

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