TELMEX-TELCEL Foundation awards scholarships to more than 4,000 young students

TELMEX-TELCEL Foundation knows the effort and perseverance that scholarship holders devote to study; and this is why they deserve a reward.

On December 11, the most important event of the Foundation was held to recognize all the scholarship holders and their families that support them: the award of scholarships to the 2018 generation of TELMEX-TELCEL Foundation fellows.

At the TELCEL Theater, students of academic excellence met to receive the scholarships granted by the TELMEX-TELCEL Foundation in support of the young people who are the future of Mexico and the leaders of tomorrow.

Arturo Elías Ayub, director of the TELMEX-TELCEL Foundation, shared with the new generation of fellows some tips for a fulfilling life:

  1. Smile, have fun. A smile changes the day. Take a balance approach in life.
  2. Do what you really love.
  3. Live with clear and very firm values.
  4. Family gives you a very important stability in life; family is the basis of everything.
  5. Be happy.

For everyone at the Fundation, it is a real honor to have the best students from Mexico; and being able to contribute in supporting their studies is a real privilege,” said Elías Ayub.

The most important thing in life is neither the material nor the recognition; is the values ​​of honesty, professionalism and passionate commitment. It is the inner part of each human being that defines him; and the best is that he is capable of sharing.

These young people have already taken the first step that is education and commitment, the second step is the boldness that they will show when doing the things that correspond them.

Education is very important for the TELMEX-TELCEL Foundation, which is why more than 4,000 students are now part of this new generation of fellows.

The event was also attended by Mrs. Vanessa Slim Domit and Lic. Caros Slim Domit.

Welcome generation 2018! Many congratulations fellows!