Promoting Sustainable Management of Whale Sharks in the Mexican Caribbean

To generate recommendations for the protection, conservation and sustainable use of whale sharks in the Mexican Caribbean, its monitoring with a long-term vision is essential. A continuous work in this regard has been achieved for 10 years, thanks to collaboration between civil society, academic institutions, government and local communities.

One of the actions taken in 2016-season is the realization of expedition flights on the east and northeast of the Yucatan Peninsula region, including areas of Azul, Contoy Island and the Whale Shark Biosphere Reserve, areas of great importance for this species as they gather in large numbers in this areas.

This activity has allowed recording aggregations of 150 sharks distributed over an area of approximately 1.5 km2.

This program is carried out with the support of the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP), through the Program for Conservation of Species at Risk (PROCER) and the WWF-Carlos Slim Foundation Partnership.