The Carlos Slim Foundation creates the Digital Health portal for the transformation of health systems in Mexico and Latin America
Digital Health is the new global paradigm for the provision of effective, fair, and high quality healthcare services, with great humanism, which can connect people and their families with the health centers and their communities.
Progressively, the different areas of health in Latin America and the Caribbean will be consolidated, prioritizing the proactive prevention and timely detection of risk factors so as to favor opportune diagnosis, which, supported by the use of digital platforms, allows precise and high quality treatment to help more people to live better and longer.
With this vision in mind, the Carlos Slim Foundation has created the Digital Health Portal, where we have joined forces so that the different healthcare professionals involved in the generation, development, implementation, assessment and scaling of Digital Health solutions as public policy, have a universe of knowledge at their fingertips, using either their PC, mobile phone or tablet.
Our vision is for to become a meeting point for healthcare professions so that they can discover more about this topic, divided into different headings:
- Benchmarks published by multilateral organization or prestigious institutions.
- Trials or academic articles published in the best international magazines, arbitrated by peers.
- Editorials written by digital health experts.
- New information about the implementation of Digital Health in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- A calendar of events on Digital Health around the world.
What is Digital Health?
The fourth industrial revolution is characterized by the digitalization and automation of processes, together with lower operating costs, exploiting the advantages of the internet and computing power.
At the heart of the fourth industrial revolution is the harmonization and integration of multiple disciplines, facilitating the interaction of digital technologies with the biological world, or using the power of data science for the interpretation of large volumes of information about molecular chemical interactions.

Consequently, the effect of the fourth industrial revolution in the field of health has been coined Digital Health, where scientific knowledge converges with advances in information technology and communications.
Digital Health is characterized by four major groundbreaking trends:
1.-The use of digital platforms, with robust operating layouts and instant transactionality to facilitate decision-making.

2.- Connected communities, thanks to the penetration and mass adoption of mobile phones, the internet and social networking.

3.- The world in the cloud, with the imminent arrival of 5G and the benefit of the Internet of Things.

4.- Big data, exploiting advances in our computing power to process large volumes of information by means of data science and artificial intelligence.

The new paradigm represented by Digital Health is being promoted by different organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Organization (UN).
At the Carlos Slim Foundation, we are helping to transform health services in Mexico, with cutting-edge models and developments, based on Digital Health. Our health programs are aimed at creating solutions that help to solve the problems of the most vulnerable population segments in Latin America and other parts of the world, so that more people can liver better and for longer.