Drivers for Road Safety is an initiative that joins the efforts of the Federal Government through the Ministry of Health, the International Automobile Federation (FIA) in Mexico, the National University of Mexico (UNAM), the Center for Experimentation and Road Safety (CESVI) Mexico, the Mexican Red Cross, the Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions (AMIS), Fox Sports, the Telethon Foundation, the Carlos Slim Foundation and the Telmex-Telcel Racing Team, as well as other public and private institutions, in order to create and promote safe driving practices in an effort to save thousands of lives.
Through the Drivers for Road Safety program, professional Mexican racing drivers tour the country promoting a culture of road safety, ethical and preventive practices among the young public so that they can learn how to become responsible drivers, pedestrians and passengers. The tour includes conferences at public and private high schools, colleges and universities, as well as mass events.
Conferences have been organized for 146,132 students from 305 high schools and universities throughout the country, and young people who have attended mass events.
- Fasten your seat belt; all passengers are under your responsibility.
- Respect the driving code; rules are made to protect us and they are for everyone.
- Respect the speed limit; the material stuff is replaceable, life is not.
- Drive sober; if you are drunk or under the influence of drugs, you are a danger behind the wheel.
- Use helmet when using bikes and motorcycles; that can save your life.
- Concentrate; get distracted while driving is dangerous.
- Ensure periodic maintenance of your car; you will travel safer.
- Protect children; use appropriate child car seats.
- Be polite; respect others.
- Drive rested; it is always better arrive late than never