Educación Inicial, Carlos Slim Foundation program focusing on childrens’ overall development
The Carlos Slim Foundation recognizes the importance of education as one of the pillars for a nation’s progress. The Initial Education program arose as part of this focus.
The program has, as its mission, facing the overall development of girls and boys in their first infancy, in order to significantly improve their quality of life and opportunities by means of awareness and reinforcing the competences of the adults responsible for their upbringing and education based on a focusing on rights.
The idea of the program is to achieve that in each space where the girls and boys develop there is a responsible adult capable of satisfying their needs for affection and care, and to guarantee adult-child interactions in secure and enriched environments in order to promote the gradual development of their potential during early childhood.
Initial Education sustains and guides their performance based on the following values:
-Honesty. Actions in line with their philosophy addressed to promoting wellbeing and development of the children in early childhood.
-Respect. Recognizes the value of the children, the adults and the communities in which they live, together with their capacity for self-determination.
-Social commitment and responsibility. Committed to forming the adults responsible for early education, considering them as active agents in order for their transformation to have a positive impact on the development of the children and the wellbeing of society.
-Equity and equal opportunities. Endeavors to contribute in order for all children to have opportunities to fully develop themselves based on the frame of childhood rights.
In order to achieve its objective, the “Initial Education” program of the Carlos Slim Foundation offers the following training, information and diffusion resources:
Through the workshops ‘To Grow Together’, ‘To Grow with Them’ y ‘Emotions’ we build together with the adults responsible for early childhood forms of relationships based on fair treatment, which translate into stable links with the children to promote their self-esteem.
We promote games as a daily and important practice to favor apprenticeship by means of different entertaining means which connect the girls and boys with art, science and narrative, enriching their world and promoting their sensitivity, creativity, imagination and capacity for surprise.
–Courses on line. ‘Child care’, ‘Importance of the educator during early childhood and Promotor of Infantile Development’ are intended to maximize childcare practices and the reinforcement of competition of different social actors involved with the families and community in general, in order to form a supporting network which acts in favor of child development.
-Lectures. We reaffirm our commitment to share with parents, teachers and the general public a plan to exercise the role of significant adults in the life of the children consciously, lovingly, respectfully a d responsibly.
–Practical guide for the development of your child. Designed especially for support in the care of children during early childhood, promote interaction in safe spaces and provide follow-up on their development. Offers clear, reliable and useful information.
–Application Guiapp. Provides relevant information on the development of girls and boys in early childhood: activities for stimulation, providing follow-up on the development of the child, recording his/her progress in the different areas and keeping in mind the opportune supply of his/her vaccinations, as well as having news, blogs, info graphs, ideas and audio-recommendations among others, in order to facilitate child raising and providing quality time by the responsible adults.

To date, training has been given to 49,642 persons, benefitting 934,875 children and adults.
A total of 2’673,987 parents and children in the initial age group have benefitted from the Practical Guide for the Development of your Children?