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CASALUD® Model that seeks to improve the attention to health in first contact centers with an emphasis on the prevention of diseases such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension.

Operates in public healthcare centers in 32 states in alliance with the Mexican Federal Secretariat of Health and state governments.

2'419,956 integrated assessments including weight, blood pressure and glucose were taken for preventive disease detection and to determine risk levels of chronic ailments.

A Chronic Disease Information System has been implemented in over 12,345 healthcare centers throughout Mexico for clinical follow-up on 1'679,327 patients.

Con IMSS-Prospera se trabaja en centros de salud de tres estados y con el ISSSTE en centros de salud de dos estados adicionales.

ELECTRONIC IMMUNIZATION RECORDS It aims to increase coverage, effective access and quality of health services, both using more efficiently the installed infrastructure and resources destined for health in the country.

2'023,162 children registred

240 health units

AMANECE® Maternal and Neonatal Care, Growth and Early Stimulation (Amanece)
Model to improve the attention of pregnant women in order to reduce mother-child mortality

It has benefited 163,175 pregnant women and their newborns have received quality and timely healthcare during and after pregnancy.

This model is applied in 62maternal health networks in 10 states.

TRAINING PLATFORM FOR ONLINE HEALTH EDUCATION (PIEENSO) Platform of continuous education in line to update the knowledge of the health personnel in specific matters such as maternal and perinatal health, chronic diseases, vaccines, women´s cancer and genomics
More than 86,438 doctors, nurses, social workers, health promoters and other public healthcare workers in Mexico and Latin America have graduated.
RENAL HEALTH AND ORGAN TRANSPLANTS Program to impel the prevention of chronic diseases, foster the organ donation culture and support the realization of transplants.
In partnership with state governments, national health institutes, hospitals and NGO’s, the Foundation has facilitated 10,211 transplants
ADDICTIONS Program to strengthen the quality of the services offered by rehabilitation centers whether public or private
4,300 individuals have been trained in 22 states.
PALLIATIVE CARE Program to improve the life quality of terminal patients and their families.
1,127 terminal patients and 1,494 family members have received support. Also, 33 health professionals have been trained in palliative care.
SLIM INITIATIVE IN GENOMICS MEDICINE Initiative for the study of the genetic basis in Latin-American populations and the development of personalized treatments for the attention to diseases such as diabetes mellitus type 2 and various kinds of cancer.

During the first phase, the initiative confirmed the presence of genes that have been associated with diabetes in other countries’ populations within the Mexican genome. Moreover, two new genes specific to the Mexican population and related to this disease have also been discovered.

New genes that had never before been related to cancer have also been identified.

This initiative has produced 30 scientific articles in journals such as Nature and Science that will help with the development of treatments for diseases under study.

A network of researchers from 15 national and foreign institutions has been created.

The second phase of the initiative aims to translate the findings of Phase 1 into practical tools for early risk detection of diabetes and breast cancer, so that protocols for personalized prevention and control can be established.

COMBATING NEGLECTED DESEASES Initiative that supports the development of new vaccines against diseases related with poverty. Strengthening of national vaccination programs.
Collaboration with national and international research centers to develop a vaccine against Chagas Disease (American trypanosomiasis).

Collaboration with the Carter Center for the eradication of onchocerciasis or “river blindness” in LatinAmerica.

POLIO ERRADICATION Contribute to the eradication of Polio worldwide.

In 2015, for the first time in history, only 3 contries presented cases of polio

The contribution of the Carlos Slim Foundation has allowed the purchase of more than 653 million polio vaccines in benefit of the children in 33 african contries.

CARLOS SLIM HEALTH AWARDS Acknowledgments to exceptional investigators and institutions engaged in the improvement of health in the Latin-American region.
27 awards of USD 100,000 dollars each have been granted to Latin American institutions and researchers.
MESOAMERICA HEALTH INITIATIVE 2015 Initiative to reduce the gaps in health in the Mesoamerican region regarding maternal health, vaccination and infant´s nutrition.

Approximately 1 million women of reproductive age and 650,000 children under 5 years of age have benefited from this program..

Thanks to this initiative, seven Central American countries and the Mexican State of Chiapas have improved through access to equipment for pregnancies, personnel training, supply of labor medicines for child delivery and vaccines and nutritional supplements for children.

In 18 months, there have been improvements of 10% to 100% in national indicators. Some examples include the following:

  • In Belize, the availability of equipment for adequate pregnancy care increased from 50% to 90%.
  • In El Salvador, the availability of vaccine refrigerators increased from 42.6% to 78.4%.
  • In Honduras, the availability of zinc for the treatment of diarrhea increased from 10% to 100%.
  • In Chiapas the availability of essential medicines for childbirth and newborn care increased from 30% to 97%.
CLIKISALUD WEBSITE Program to promote the auto-care of health and the adoption of healthy lifestyles.
The educational communication portal has received over 43'039,482 visitors.
MANUALES TU SALUD ‘Manuales Tu Salud’ (Your Health Handbooks) are clear, concise and accessible guides on daily health care basics. They are organized by age group and gender..
30,535 Tu Salud guidebooks have been distributed.
Program to impel the formation of human capital fomenting leadership in health learning and investigation.
20,098 fellows have been supported with scholarships, computers and free Internet access.
This program provides highly specialized medical care through surgical campaigns for marginalized populations in the country, in order to substantially improve their quality of life.

There have been performed 1'060,591 surgeriess., among which stand:

  • -Pediatric: varicocele, spermatic cord cyst, lymphangioma and lipoma;
  • Limb: Hand and foot osteomuscular deformities, sequel to traumatic and congenital hand injury, compression of the peripheral nerves of the hand, including carpal tunnel;
  • Reconstructive plastic surgeries: burn sequels, cleft lip and palate sequels, and others
Aid individuals with low resources with their mobility problems.
150,838 wheelchairs donated
Aid individuals with low resources with their hearing problems in various degrees, to improve their life quality
39,698 hearing aids donated.
Aid children, pregnant women and elders that live mainly in rural populations with nutritious sweets enriched with iron and zinc among other nutrients.
17'361,152 1 kg bags delivered.
Help with the fight against the spread of HIV/AIDS from mothers to children and reduce the number of births with this condition in the world.
The actions of (RED)® Global Fund have contributed to reduce 1,100 daily HIV births wolrdwide in 2012 to900 bebés in 2013 , 650 babys in 2014 and 600 babys in 2015.